Air Liquide makes the mobile application "H2 Station Finder" available to French fuel cell electric vehicles’ drivers
- Europe
- Clean mobility
- Mobility
- Usage
This week, Air Liquide is launching the French version of the mobile application "H2 Station Finder", which allows car drivers to locate the nearest European hydrogen stations referenced, check their availability and access various functionalities.
The "H2 Station Finder" application, which was launched in July 2018 in California, is now available for French car drives equipped with a fuel cell electric vehicle. Accessible on iOS and Android, this application helps users locate and navigate to the nearest hydrogen stations, and to know in real time the availability of hydrogen. It also allows them to know the amount of CO2 emissions avoided by choosing hydrogen as the energy source. To date, 6 hydrogen stations are referenced in the application (four in France, one in Belgium and one in the Netherlands). Air Liquide plans to extend the scope of this application to new geographies, in Europe and also in Japan.
Hydrogen offers a number of benefits for clean transportation. Used in a fuel cell, it combines with the oxygen in the air to produce electricity, with water as the only byproduct. It does not generate any pollution at its point of use: zero greenhouse gases, zero particles and zero noise. Hydrogen brings a concrete response to the challenges of sustainable mobility and local pollution in urban areas. It takes less than five minutes to recharge hydrogen-powered electric vehicles for a driving range of more than 600 kilometers.