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Hydrogen Energy Horizon Program goes online

  • Europe

The H2E Hydrogen Energy Horizon Program website,, is now online.

The website brings together the vital information on the achievements of this program, which was launched in 2008 to contribute to the emergence of a sustainable and competitive hydrogen-energy field in France and in Europe.

In addition to presenting the hydrogen markets of the future, technologies, and partners, the site features the first generation of recently developed and deployed systems for customers that need delivery at remote sites, as well as electricity storage, back-up supply, and provisions for hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles such as forklift trucks. More than 280 systems have been commissioned to produce electricity from hydrogen.

The research and development effort connected to the H2E program involves every link in the hydrogen energy chain, in particular the production of hydrogen from renewable energies, the storage and the distribution of hydrogen, and the industrial rollout of fuel cell batteries to bring down their cost. H2E contributes in addition to the rollout of a regulatory framework adapted to the challenges of safety, and includes demonstrations and educational actions that allow stakeholders (firefighters, local communities, etc.) to become familiar with this new vector of clean energy.

The H2E program is being co-financed by industrial partners and BpiFrance, for a total investment in experimental research, technology, and deployments of around 200 millions euros. It brings together 19 legal partners in France (laboratories, institutes and businesses) for a total of 7 years.

Marianne Julien, who directs the H2E program, said this:

“The launch of this site dedicated to the program is a new breakthrough in the promotion of hydrogen as an energy vector. The site will enable us to broadly share, with industry players and the general public alike, the research and deployments undertaken in connection with the program as developed products are brought to market."

 Check it out today at 

Press release