Air Liquide opens a hydrogen station in Handa Kamezaki, Japan
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On June 20, 2022, Air Liquide Japan (ALJ) is privileged to receive Handa City’s Mayor Takahiro Kuze at its opening ceremony of a new hydrogen station in Handa Kamezaki.
The Handa Kamezaki Station is Air Liquide’s second “onsite” station in Japan : the hydrogen is directly produced at the station and can be used to refuel hydrogen cars or to supply nearby stations by filling hydrogen trucks. This will help increase hydrogen production and deployment in the area.
This new hydrogen station is located in the Kamezakicho district in the northern part of the Chita Peninsula (Aichi Prefecture). Adjacent to the Port of Kinuura and the Chubu International Airport, it will be widely accessible by residents of Handa City and the Chubu region thanks to its proximity with Route 247 and Route 366 to the north.
The Handa Kamezaki Station is the eighth site to be jointly operated by Air Liquide Japan and Japan H2 Mobility, LLC (JHyM).
According to the action plan of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells," the goal is to promote 200,000 fuel cell vehicles (FCV) and to open 320 hydrogen stations by 2025. The Aichi Prefecture is particularly committed to the realization of a hydrogen society in which hydrogen is used as energy for daily life and industry, and the opening of hydrogen stations is positioned as part of this effort. In addition, with more than 1,795 FCVs registered in the prefecture- the highest number in Japan-, we expect that our hydrogen stations will be of great use to the people of the Chubu region.
Handa Kamezaki Station has received “Subsidies for Hydrogen Station Development Expenses aimed at Promoting the Adoption of Fuel Cell Vehicles” from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the “Subsidies for Hydrogen Station Development Expenses” from the Aichi Prefecture.
The station will be open 5 days a week from Wednesday to Sunday, closing on Mondays and Tuesday and holidays designated by the company, including days for scheduled maintenance and other servicing periods.
The station will be open on weekends reflecting feedback from FCV users and we hope to contribute to the greater convenience for our customers.
Air Liquide Japan Communications
+81 (3) 6414 6728
Name Air Liquide Handa Kamezaki Hydrogen Station
H2 supply method on-site
H2 supply capacity more than 500Nm3/h
Filling pressure 82 MPa
Location 5-232 Kamezakii-cho, Handa City, Aichi Prefecture
TEL 0569-89-0050
Opening Hours 11: 30-19: 00
Wednesday through Sunday, 5 days a week
Closed Every Monday, Tuesday and holidays designated by the company
(during scheduled maintenance and other servicing periods)
Access Near Kamezaki Port on Route 247